How to Create the Perfect Pitch for Investors to Raise Growth Capital

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Maybe your business is wading in a limbo state between that awfully frustrating startup stage and the enticing investment opportunity period. Where do you go from here and how in the world do you even get started?

Storytelling. But not just any storytelling. If you want to raise growth capital for your business, then you have to give investors a reason to help you get there!

Your products and services might be the best, but investors won’t hand over so much as a pittance to you if they don’t feel like your business has growth potential.

Convincing investors to fund your business is no walk in the park, but it can be done. This article will tell you everything you need to know about creating the perfect pitch to raise your business’s growth capital.

What Is Your Story?

Mastering the art of telling the why of your brand is one of the most important business growth strategies to learn. To figure out your why, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you believe in your products and services?
  • Do they hit upon a need and leverage the market mind deliberately and powerfully?

If the answer is yes, then you have to demonstrate the source of this value by telling a compelling story.

Did you start with humble beginnings? Do you have a list of raving reviews and testimonials from customers who don’t have a stake in the success of your business? Where did you come from and what is the direction you are planning to take from here now that you’re in your growth phase? 

Whether you’re writing a novel, curating ad copy, or preparing a pitch to leverage your business’s growth capital, effective storytelling always follows this formula—show, don’t tell.

Actions speak louder than words. Similarly, your business has growth potential because of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, not because you think your business is great.

How Do You Prepare Your Pitch?

Your pitch to investors probably won’t have a leg to stand on if you wing it. Preparing your pitch comes in three steps:

  1. Create a business plan
  2. Pair your business plan with an executive summary
  3. Combine step 1 and 2 seamlessly with a presentation

Your business growth plan should have a carefully curated list of details as they pertain to team growth, your business model, your outreach, your monthly or quarterly goals and projections, etc.

Your business plan documents should contain all of the information you’ll need to increase the effectiveness of your presentation and executive summary.

Your executive summary should be a 1 to 2 page brief of your business plan. Make sure you hit on all of your points in a compelling, targeted and effective manner. Consider hiring an IPO consultant or a content marketing professional if you’re not confident in your writing abilities.

Your presentation should also stay condensed and only hit upon key points. You aren’t going over your business plan with your potential investors.

You’re telling them your story! Consider hiring an IPO consultant to assist you if you need help in this department. 

Raising Your Growth Capital Is an Art

Don’t just stop with the information you read in this article. There is an ocean of information out there about leveraging your business’s growth capital.

And we cover a good deal of it! Consider using our business consulting services to learn how you can get ahead of the curve.